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“It is my job to guide our customers and suppliers when developing castings and forgings. The projects I am involved in vary greatly. For instance, some products have already been fully developed, which means I only help to start production and inspect the test pieces. But some customers have very open-ended requests for improving or developing a casting or forging. In this case, the process will start by offering advice, sharing ideas and creating drawings, and will end by overseeing production and creating an inspection plan. We sometimes outsource certain activities, and this also requires a certain degree of attention.
Our customers are mainly based in the Netherlands, France and Germany. Over the years, you become increasingly familiar with the various companies and can thus be more helpful via, for example, co-engineering.”
“I actually arrived at Prins by accident ten years ago. Prior to that, I used to construct façades and wanted to become more specialised in glass. I started working for a really interesting glass company but they hit hard times and eventually went bankrupt. After visiting a few employment agencies, I was introduced to Prins. I was recruited to assist the quality control manager at that time. However, it quickly became apparent that the company needed a project leader for its new projects. So I threw my hat into the ring and helped to shape my own job.”
“And that typifies the atmosphere at Prins: open and enjoyable. The company trusts you and gives you a lot of freedom. You can more or less set your own priorities and decide what to do with your time. We have a small team and everyone gets along well. The international nature of the company also requires people to work together effectively.”
“Besides my work at Prins, I have spent the past eighteen months overseeing the construction of our own house. We have moved in the meantime and are now completing the final touches, which means I will soon have more time for the fun things in life.”
Lindeboomseweg 57
3825 AL Amersfoort
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