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Before arriving at Prins, I was involved in the export of products for the agricultural sector. This meant a lot of travelling to places including Eastern Europe. After our children were born, I looked for a job in the Netherlands and found it at Prins. I then worked for several companies between 2005 and 2009, but have been back at Prins since 2009. I came back because this job offers a great mix of technology and commerce, and that's a mix that you can’t find anywhere else.
As CTO, I am responsible for technology, the quality of our existing products and the quality of our many new developments. Together with our technical teams in China and India, we work on new product developments and quality control, but also select and support our products. I have a Mechanical engineering background and also studied Advanced Moulding Technology. In the meantime, I am also a Black Belt in the philosophy of LEAN SIX SIGMA. Thanks to many visits and audits at manufacturers and customers, I have a good overview of the whole supply chain, from customer request to end product at the appropriate manufacturer.
We continuously develop new products and believe that quality control is extremely important when doing so. Suitable quality is paramount because our products are custom-made and thus crucial for our customers. Prins has a wide range of customers in a variety of sectors. This diversity of customer needs in each sector is what makes the job so appealing and challenging. Each day of the week, the technical teams work on approximately 100 new product developments in their various phases.
Prins has undergone major changes in recent years. We now produce more complex products, and this allows me to put my knowledge, expertise and experience to good use. In the meantime, we are a highly valued supplier to European OEM customers that fully exploit our knowledge and expertise in the field of moulding and forging. We are unique particularly when it comes to converting welded constructions into moulded and/or forged solutions (Value Added Engineering). Our companies in China and India now also possess the required local knowledge and expertise, and are able to immediately respond to customer preferences and requests thanks to short lines of communication.
From a personal perspective, I purchased a farmhouse in Schijndel a few years ago. I now spend a lot of time restoring and maintaining it, while also looking after the land. This makes a nice change to my work at Prins.
Lindeboomseweg 57
3825 AL Amersfoort
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