After a year of focused collaboration, we are excited to take the next logical step that underscores our dedication to expertise and reliability. PRINS is proud to announce its merger and rebranding as ELCEE.
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After a year of focused collaboration, we are excited to take the next logical step that underscores our dedication to expertise and reliability. PRINS is proud to announce its merger and rebranding as ELCEE.
The colleagues of Prins wishes everyone a pleasant Easter. Enjoy! 🐰 🥚 ☀
🚀 Great News in Quality Management! 🚀 Last week, we had our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 audit, thanks to LRQA. Happy to share that it was a smooth process with positive results, securing the renewal of both certificates. Big shoutout to our ....
Prins is specialized in Castings & Forgings and in the process of Value-Added Engineering as a daily routine. We are helping out in making the best possible “made or cast” decisions......
We are always focused on “co-operational excellence” based on your specific challenges and demands. Know we are also in the world of Earth Moving Equipment your partner in business!
For one of our customers, active in the container transport market, we redesigned and transformed a heavy load clamping device from a construction and welded part into a steel casting. This assembly contains 3 different..........
ESEF is de meest toonaangevende vakbeurs voor succesvolle, duurzame en innovatieve maakoplossingen. Van 12 t/m 15 maart 2024 vindt deze plaats bij.......
Last year we have had several interesting technical trainings in our Prins Academy for enthusiastic participants from our customers. These kinds of trainings are......
Prins is specialized in Castings & Forgings and in the process of Value-Added Engineering as a daily routine. We are helping out in making the best possible “made or cast” decisions.
We are always focused on “co-operational excellence” based on your specific challenges and demands. Know we are also in the world of heavy load vehicles your partner in business!
All the colleagues at Prins Castings & Forgings are wishing you a
HAPPY 2️⃣ 0️⃣ 2️⃣ 4️⃣ ! 🍾 🎆
All the colleagues at Prins Castings & Forgings are wishing you a Merry Christmas with your family & friends! 🎄 🎅
Design services at Prins! In exploring the best solutions to convert welded parts to castings and forgings, we’re progressing in the use of topology optimization as a...
Zoals bij U, als onze gewaardeerde cliënten, wel bekend
Wordt u door de Prins Pieten het hele jaar door verwend........
Prins is specialized in Castings & Forgings and in the process of Value-Added Engineering as a daily routine. We are helping out in making the best possible “made or cast” decisions
Last week we have had an interesting technical training in the Prins Academy for all our technical colleagues, meaning from ELCEE and Prins Castings & Forgings.
May the festival of lights fill your life with the sparkle of joy, fresh hope, bright days and new beginning! Wish you all and your family a very happy Diwali!
🌱 Prins Castings & Forgings is moving fast forward towards sustainability! 🌍
🤝 Collaborating with Suppliers: As the CBAM regulation unfolds, we're taking....
We are always focused on “co-operational excellence” based on your specific challenges and demands. Know we are also in the Rail Infrastructure 🚆 your
We have great and exciting news to share! Prins Castings & Forgings joins the ELCEE group, combining their expertise’s and experiences in delivering high-quality ..........
Recently we conducted an in company technical training session in the Prins Academy for all of our Sales colleagues. This training is part of our “keep your....
Last Friday Prins, as being their valued supplier of Castings & Forgings, was present at the well-organized “Caterpillar Supplier’s Day 2023”. 🎈 🎉 During this event...
Another example of VALUE ADDED ENGINEERING in a close cooperation between our customer and Prins Castings & Forgings. We engineered, designed and.....
Prins is specialized in Castings & Forgings and in the process of Value Added Engineering as a daily routine. We help you out to make your best possible.....
Meet Jip Strik, What makes my role so enjoyable is the sheer variety between my work in the office and my work out and about visiting customers and prospects. That......
Per July 2023, Rathish kumar has started with Prins Castings & Forgings India in the role of Assistant Technical Manager. Rathish kumar holds a B.E. Automobile for engineering and technology......
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis cin elit. Nunc purus libero, interdum sed blandit acp retium facilisis turpis. Donec dictum neque veloran tristique egestas nulla mollis dui lorem dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis cin elit. Nunc purus libero, interdum sed blandit acp retium facilisis turpis.
Per July 1st Abdussamet Caner started with us in the role of Quality & Technical Manager. Samet holds a bachelor in Metallurgical and Material engineering....
Earlier this week we had our yearly International Sales Meeting and again it was a solid and good meeting for discussing about our goals and achievements so far.
Meet Gabor, I’m involved in the financial administration, including prep work for the monthly reports, invoice handling, general ledger admin, etc. ..
Again, a successful example of VALUE ADDED ENGINEERING with a “made or cast” decision. Made in a good and solid cooperation between our customer and Prins Castings & Forgings.
We are always focused on “co-operational excellence” based on your specific challenges and demands. Know we are also in the world of Pumps & Valves
We are the number 1 supplier of Castings and Forgings and make the difference in the process of Value Added Engineering, also for you!
Ben je klaar voor een uitdagende functie waarbij jouw commerciële talent samenkomt met technische kennis? Wil jij het verschil maken voor onze klanten....
Prins is specialized in Castings & Forgings and in the process of Value Added Engineering. From our head office and Logistics Centre in Amersfoort -
Another example from a formerly constructed part into a casted part, made possible due to a good and solid cooperation between our customer and Prins
As CTO, I, Erik Sattler, am responsible for technology, the quality of our existing products and the quality of our many new developments. Together with our.....
Ben je klaar voor een uitdagende functie waarbij jouw commerciële talent samenkomt met technische kennis? Wil jij het verschil maken voor onze klanten....
During office hours Prins is providing free-of-charge electrical power for charging your car as a visitor @ Prins. We are with our 2.200 solar panels on the roof...
Per April 1st John van Deuveren started with us in the role of Account Manager Rail-infra. John is 60 years and lives with his wife and daughter in ........
We are always focused on “co-operational excellence” based on your specific challenges and demands. Know we are also in the world of heavy load vehicles....
Definitely not the first and certainly not the last seed planted in our journey to reduce our environmental footprint! After becoming ISO 14001 certified......
The colleagues of Prins wishes everyone a pleasant Easter. Enjoy! 🐰 🥚 ☀
Another example of VALUE ADDED ENGINEERING made possible due to a good and solid cooperation between our customer and Prins Castings & Forgings!....
Know we are also in the world of Earth Moving Equipment your partner in business!....
Meet Julia Marolleau.... As account manager, I am responsible for various accounts in France, as well as several accounts in Spain and Belgium. I serve as.....
Recently we conducted a technical training session for a group of enthusiastic participants as an onsite training at a large German OEM company......
We are as always in the position to secure the complete Supply Chain of our customers. ON TIME IN FULL is our commitment to you. We like to do.....
And again an example from a formerly constructed part modified into a casting.
A chisel, used in the agro industry, which used to be made from sheet metal,....
With our warehouse in the Netherlands and our own offices in China and India we provide total supply chain management solutions for you. We manage your parts...
We like to share the exciting news that Prins Castings & Forgings has passed its ISO14001 initial audit by LRQA with flying colors! This is a major milestone in.....
GEZOCHT!!! Een commercieel talent met technische affiniteit. Ben je klaar voor een uitdagende functie waarbij jouw commerciële talent samenkomt met technische...
Soon China will celebrate the upcoming lunar year of the rabbit. The rabbit stands...
Like every year we ended the year with our so-called End of Year meeting in which our CEO presents the results of last year and look forward to the upcoming year.
All the colleagues at Prins Castings & Forgings are wishing you a HAPPY 2023!
Lindeboomseweg 57
3825 AL Amersfoort
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